Updated 2025 Rules and Policies
Registration/Annual Membership Fee/Email Required
• All memberships/registrations will be online. Visit www.dbqgym.com and click on Parent Portal to begin registration.
• Annual membership fees is $30 per immediate family and are due every year in the month in which you originally registered for classes.
• Students’ must have a current online registration, completed and electronically signed by a parent or legal guardian, prior to participation in any Dubuque All Around Gymnastics class or activity.
• Email Address Required: All Around communicates mainly through email by sending information on current news/updates, as well as billing statements. Email addresses, along with registration information, must be current. You can easily update all your information online at any time for your convenience.
• Payment information for Auto-Pay will be required for all accounts.
Session Tuition Payments/Automatic Billing/Late Fee
1. Invoices are sent out two weeks prior to the start of the next session. This is your opportunity to drop a class or switch to a different day, time, or class. Payments can be made at the gym via cash, check, or credit card (a 3% processing fee applies).
2. Payment is processed on Sunday, the week before the new session begins. If you have automatic payments set up, no action is required; your payment will be processed automatically. Please ensure payment is completed before your child attends the upcoming session.
3. Reminder: If you decide to drop a class after payment has been processed, your withdrawal will take effect at the conclusion of the current paid session. No refunds will be issued.
• A late fee of $10 will apply after the fourth week of the session to any balance. Students will not be allowed to participate in class if they have any balance on their account after the first week of the new session until all balances are paid.
Automatic Session Enrollment / Waiting List / Transfer Requests / Notification of Withdrawal
• Your athlete will be automatically enrolled in the next session and tuition will be charged to your account unless notification of withdrawal is given no later than the third Saturday prior to the start of the next session. Drop requests can also be done on the parent portal. Verbal notifications will not be accepted.
• Transfer Requests can be made via the parent portal on our website. Please note that transferring to another class is subject to availability and if the class is full your athlete may be placed on a waiting list until that class becomes available.
• Waiting List- in the event that a class is full your athlete may be placed on a waiting list until a spot becomes available. To request to be placed on a waiting list please visit the parent portal on our website.
Make-up Classes
• While we have an unlimited make-up policy, please be sure to read below to understand our policies regarding make-ups.
• There are no prorating or refunds for missed classes. In the event that you miss, you may schedule a make-up class or attend open gym.
• Your child must have missed a class before scheduling a make-up class.
• Your child must be currently enrolled in a class in order to attend a make-up class. There can be no make-ups scheduled on dates past your dis-enrollment date.
• If you miss a scheduled make-up class, it will be counted as your make-up.
Refund Policy
• There are no refunds given for missed classes.
• Annual Registration Fees are non-refundable.
• Tuition will only be refunded to students in their first session of classes at All Around Gymnastics. Your refund will only be for the classes remaining in the session. For example, if your child has attended the first 2 weeks of classes, your refund will be for the remaining weeks left in the session.
Facility Rules
Proper Attire
• Boys: T-shirts (tucked in) and shorts.
• Girls: Leotard or a shirt tucked into shorts. Hair should be pulled back in a ponytail, if possible.
• Please avoid baggy shirts, jewelry, buttoned shorts, and socks.
Additional Guidelines
• Please bring a water bottle to class. No Gatorade or sugary drinks are allowed.
• No gum is allowed in the facility.
• Students are not allowed on the floor or any equipment in the main gym or preschool area until their
designated coach begins instruction at the scheduled class time.
• Parents are responsible for their children before and after class. If you are running late to pick up your child,
please call the gym to inform staff. Coaches are unable to supervise children outside of scheduled class time.
• For children 6 years old and younger, please escort them into the building and help check them in before class
starts. For safety reasons, we ask that all children wait inside the building after class until a parent or guardian
arrives for pickup.
Parent/Tot Classes
• Only 1 parent/guardian per child is allowed in the parent/tot gymnastics classes.
Parking Policy
• Please no parking in front of glass doors.
• All Around Gymnastics is not responsible for any damage to vehicles when parked or if any vehicles are towed. We recommend parking in between the white lines that are marked or dropping students off.